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Birth Photography (Explicit Images Inside)

Birth Photography.

I wasn’t ready.

I wasn’t ready to witness the most intense experience of my life. This mama chose to do a natural birth for her 2nd baby, and being there to capture her son being born in the purest form was such a crazy thing to be apart of. Because her baby was measuring big, they had extra doctors on board in case of shoulder dystocia, which is when the baby’s shoulder gets stuck on his way out. To say that Simon made an entrance into the world would be an understatement! This guy did end up getting stuck, and after a couple intense seconds of silence, Simon broke the silence with a little cry that made everyone take a breath that they were holding onto (including myself).

I got to see so many firsts that day. Grandma meeting Simon for the first time, big sister meeting him, his first time breast feeding, and more. I know that this was such a unique experience but I do hope to capture more births in the future!

January 30th, 2020 10:38am- Water breaks

9:53pm- Laboring at home

January 31st, 2020 2:00am- They head to the hospital

4:02am- I get the call to head over

5:59am- Mama starts pushing

7:20am- Simon is born. 9lbs 14oz, 23in.

The Journal


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